I was so scared of jumping back in
I wanted to join a post natal fitness class to ease back into exercising. I was so scared of jumping back in and doing things “the wrong way.” I have also used fitness as my time away/to cope with work and other stressor, so I thought this was an overall great opportunity. My mental and physical health needed to get back on track after having a baby. Little did I know I would gain much more than this!
What a support system, wow. Especially as a first time mom I have been overwhelmed with how special this community is! I have built friendships that honestly helped me through this first year postpartum and that will continue! And of course I love the coaching, too! Before covid precautions, when there would be 10+ people in the gym in class you always catered to everyone’s specific needs! The one on one feeling of the coaching style is really great and another reason to love this program so much.
I started at 5wk pp and I knew it would be slow (physically) but it was exactly what I needed for my mental health! It got me and baby girl out of the house for an hour 3x/wk! I felt like I was a hot mess being a new mom and just everything seems so overwhelming, lots of tears cried in my early months postpartum. And again, this is what I needed to do for ME. As selfish as it may sound I found it is so important to do something for myself! It may not happen everyday, or one day it may only be 15min but it played a huge role in my emotional stability. Physically of course I have noticed changes! I feel that my strength and endurance has improved immensely! Also, important for me personally, I have learned when to push myself, and when it’s time to dial back... which is huge! Ego isn’t everything ;) It has been the perfect balance of what I needed physically, mentally and emotionally.
Everyone prenatal and postnatal needs to take advantage of this program! What a blessing you are to this community, Rikki! We are so lucky to have someone like you!
The community of friendship in this program along with the added bonuses of getting stronger mentally and physically... there’s nothing better.
Thank you for being an amazing coach and friend."
-Nicole R.